Concept Conversions Ltd, Thermal, Acoustic & Fire Solution Manufacturers provide a tailor made range of passive fire protection and acoustic solutions for Housing, Refurbishment, Industrial H&V and Commercial Construction using non-combustible and fire certificated materials.
Our technical team will advise you on which of our product range would be suitable for your application, and then manufacture the product according to your size specifications while maintaining full fire-safe integrity.

- Fire, thermal and acoustic solution
- Simple to install
- Water repellent
- Maintenance free
CCL Masonry Stop Sock consists of a length of flexible mineral wool slab fully enclosed in polythene and are designed to prevent fire penetration and minimise sound transmission through masonry cavity walls of buildings.

- Fire, thermal and acoustic solution
- Simple to install
- Water repellent
- Maintenance free
Concept Timber Cavity Barrier consists of a length of flexible mineral wool slab fully enclosed in polythene with flanges on each side for initial fixing purposes.

- Fire, thermal and acoustic solution
- Simple to install
- Integral damp proof course
- Maintenance free
Party Wall DPC consists of lengths of flexible mineral wool slab fully enclosed in polythene and bonded to 500 micron polyethylene damp proof course. The damp proof course has a 40mm flange on each long side and a 100mm flange on one end

- Fire, thermal and acoustic solution
- Simple to install
- Water repellent
- Maintenance free
CCL Party Wall Sock consists of a length of flexible mineral wool slab fully enclosed in polythene. It is designed to minimise sound transmission and fire penetration through the wall cavity adjacent to separating floors.

- DPC conforms to BS6515
- Simple to install
- Integral damp proof course
- Maintenance free
Polycor Plus Insulated DPC Cavity Closer consists of closed cell low density polyethylene foam fully bonded to polyethylene damp proof course.

- Fire, thermal and acoustic
solution - Simple to install
- Integral damp proof course
- Maintenance free
Polycor FR Insulated DPC Cavity Closer consists of a length of fire resistant, flexible mineral wool slab fully bonded to polyethylene damp proof course. The damp proof course has a 40mm flange on each long side and a 100mm flange on one end.